Win Tickets to Class of ‘88

A comedy nerd class reunion perfectly timed with the cusp of mid-life crisis

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Acclaimed improvisors Rebecca Northan and Derek Flores return to Calgary’s iconic Loose Moose Theatre for this one-of-a-kind time-warp and you can win your way in.

Northan and Flores joined the Loose Moose Theatre in 1988, and never looked back—until now. Class of ’88 is sure to time-warp Gen X-ers back to the 80s music, 80s hair, and 80s improv they knew and tolerated.

“It’s less that we’re cashing in on Olympic nostalgia, and more that we’re counting on the fact that there is generation of comedy nerds like us, in our hometown, desperately denying our mutual mid-life crises who could probably use an outlet right about now,” says Northan in a statement. “This show will be a safe space for all of us, and the history lesson millennials didn’t actually ask for.”

The show promises to be an evening of hilarity and heartbreak, and likely the only class reunion you’ll enjoy.

Class of ’88 runs November 3, 9 and 10, 2018 at 10:30pm at the Loose Moose Theatre (1235 26th Ave. SE).

Enter before noon on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 for your chance to win a pair of tickets to the November 9 show.

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