Soliciting Temptation

Sage Theatre explores the hidden world of sexual tourism in daring production

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A story of justice, power, and privilege, Sage Theatre explores the hidden world of sexual tourism in Erin Shields’ ground-breaking work. Don’t miss this daring and provocative production.

When an unnamed, middle-aged white man (played by Mattie Overall) meets a likewise unnamed young eastern girl (played by Patricia Cerra), audiences are offered a fictional glimpse at a dark practice.

Presented by Sage Theatre and Edmonton’s Shadow Theatre, what begins as a rendezvous between consenting individuals quickly takes a turn as the girl declares herself the swift hand of justice, threatening to reveal the man as a pedophile and sexual tourist, destroying his credibility, career, and life.

Soliciting Temptation is one of the most daring and provocative stories we’ve told to date. Couched in the difficult topic of underage sexual tourism, the play still bravely portrays both the man and the girl as complicated and flawed. Even as each defend their individual points of view, we see their innate weaknesses and humanity,” says Sage Theatre’s Artistic Director Jason Mehmel, in a statement. “Erin Shields’s ground-breaking work provides us with the opportunity to explore our own societal and class-related privilege. It’s my hope that audiences come away from this experience not with answers, but rather as more deeply engaged in the questions.”

Soliciting Temptation runs February 23 to March 4, 2017 at Pumphouse Theatre (2140 Pumphouse Ave SW).