Rocket Man
DeFakto Theatre explores relationships through the lens of Asperger’s Syndrome
- Location: Motel Theatre, Arts Commons 205 8th Ave. SE
- Price: $10 - $20
An intricate, beautiful, and daring relationship between two strangers, DeFakto Theatre explores Asperger’s Syndrome in its production of Rocket Man.
Levon is a man living with Asperger’s—a developmental disorder on the Autism spectrum characterized by difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication—who unexpectedly finds love through a chance encounter with an ex-junkie, Mona-Lisa. Chosen specifically to give voice to those who have difficulty using their own, DeFakto hopes audiences gain a certain amount of education on the syndrome and empathy through watching the show.
Rocket Man runs April 11 to 15, 2017 at the Motel Theatre, Arts Commons (205 8th Ave. SE).