NUTV’s 25th Anniversary Party

University of Calgary’s television station turns 25

  • Location: Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary 2500 University Dr. NW
  • Price: Free
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Another giant milestone is coming up, and this time it’s NUTV’s turn to celebrate. The University of Calgary’s campus-based television station, is celebrating its 25th anniversary on September 16, 2016 and you’re all invited.

The evening features speeches from notable alumni, a sizzle reel of footage dating back to the 1980s and a glance at the station’s activities.

“We have a rich history and a wealth of content in our archive that really speaks to the achievements of the organization and its members,” says Cameron Macgowan, NUTV Executive Director, in a statement. “This anniversary party is an excellent opportunity to celebrate our past accomplishments and look towards our future.”

It all began as a club back in 1984 but evolved into a registered society in 1991. Today, NUTV plays an important role in the media arts community by providing hands-on experience with the only production equipment on campus. NUTV members and alumni have found success in the film and television industry including Heather Yourex-West, Michael Dowse and Ramin Eshraghi Yazdi.

NUTV’s 25th Anniversary Party takes place on September 16, 2016, at the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary (2500 University Dr. NW). The celebration is free and open to everyone. RSVP here.