Freedom Singer

Don’t miss this new theatrical concert from Khari Wendell McClelland

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Don’t miss this new theatrical concert inspired by Khari Wendell McClelland’s journey tracing his own “unrecorded” heritage—Freedom Singer comes to Calgary after selling out its Toronto debut.

Singer-songwriter McClelland uses contemporary styles including hip hop, funk, and soul to tell personalized songs inspired by the steps of his great-great-great grandmother Kizzy and thousands of others as they escaped U.S. slavery. In sharing this music, McClelland is brought face-to-face with his own “unrecorded” heritage alongside the realities and myths of the Underground Railroad.

Produced by Project: Humanity, the show also features Vancouver guitarist Noah Walker and Toronto soul star, Tanika Charles.

Freedom Singer runs February 17 to 19, 2017 at Festival Hall (1215 10th Ave. SE).