Mainstage Dance

Students perform new works by Artist in Residence and faculty choreographers

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Ever popular, join students from the Dance Division at the University of Calgary’s School of Creative and Performing Arts for the annual production of Mainstage Dance.

Featuring new works by guest artists and dance faculty, Mainstage Dance offers an opportunity to showcase the growing talents of the students as well as new and diverse approaches to performance, choreography, and direction. Students engaged in an intense 10-wee creative development process and you can see the results firsthand. Dance Artist in Residence Gerry Trentham and instructors Marie France Forcier, Wojciech Mochniej, Melissa Monteros, and Michéle Moss lead an evening of surprises and beauty.

Mainstage Dance runs March 16 to 18, 2017 in the University Theatre, University of Calgary (210 University Court NW).