Win Tickets to Stomp

Enter for your chance to see this international percussion sensation

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From its beginnings as a street performance in the UK, Stomp has grown into an international sensation over the past 20 years, having performed in more than 50 countries and in front of more than 24 million people.

The eight-member troupe uses everything but conventional percussion instruments—matchboxes, wooden poles, brooms, garbage cans, Zippo lighters, hubcaps—to fill the stage with magnificent rhythms. Year after year, audiences worldwide keep coming back for more of this pulse-pounding electrifying show. The show continues to change by creating new material and this tour incorporates two new pieces. It is safe to say you will never again look at supermarket carts, paint cans, or plumbing fixtures the same way…

Stomp, the international percussion sensation, returns to Calgary, January 17 to 19, 2017 at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium (1415 14th Ave. NW).

Enter before noon on Friday, December 16, 2016 for your chance to win two tickets to the January 17 performance.

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